Move Towards Lightness

Live and perform effortlessly by releasing hardened beliefs through movement and play.

Hi, I’m Olivier.

I help driven individuals in business, sports and the arts playfully connect with their bodies to mobilize authentic self-expression and liberate possibility.

Work with me

1-on-1 Coaching
Release, Move & Perform

Want to feel at home in your body, get unstuck and take creative action? That's exactly what my 1-on-1 coaching programs help you do.

Contact me to start with in-person or online coaching.

Coaching for Coaches
Embody Your Toolbox

Inject creativity into your coaching style? With 12+ years of experience I’ll help you expand your coaching business with unique tools and personalized support.

Plan a call to expand your coaching approach.

Resilient Organisations
Embodied Performance

Nourish your team to become more resilient by moving beyond the 'always-on' mindset? Find root causes of low energy by increase of physical awareness.

Book me to improve your team’s resilience.

What clients say

Where to start?

Free Tools

Try out games to get unstuck, change coffee breaks to movement snacks or deeply relax at home by downloading free tools here.

Join a Workshop

Workshops - from half a day to a full Reheat weekend are a great way to immerse in the whole menu.
20% of my 1:1 clients start with a workshop.

Start with 1-on-1 Coaching

Rather go for the 1:1 tailored approach (100% online or hybrid when based in Belgium)?
100% of my individual clients first plan a discovery call.

Reheat Your Self

Ready to reheat your connection to your body and play your way to lightness?

Download Free Tools

Try out games to get unstuck during the day, change coffee breaks to movement snacks or deeply relax at home by downloading free tools here.

Become more consistent?

Keep momentum and consistency in the busyness of daily life by micro-dosing on practice snacks.

Collaborated with

What is it,
in you,
that wants to move?